Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Object-Oriented Cooking....

Let Us C(ook)....

Cooking made easy....

17 Recipes and counting....

Hi All,

Name it whatever you feel like, as this particular post of mine is dedicated to the whole IT fraternity who'd like to have Indian food ae(asily)ap. We work hard day and night (don't laugh, let me complete man...) for a better tomorrow and in order to achieve success but at the same time we lag on our health and diet.

My personal experience says that nothing is impossible in IT world.. then why to stay away from good food and health while working HARD, irrespective of whether you know cooking or not??? During my 3+ years of experience in IT (including on bench time), I've been through an exponential learning curve in cooking, it is sad that they don't count it in skills... :(.

Google has also not achieved much in this particular field and that seems to be one of the main reason why my IT brothers and 'their' sisters are still deprived of the bliss of QUICK mouth watering Indian Cuisines. Please make a note here that, neither I am in any mood to wage war against all time great czar of cooking Mr. Sanjeev Kapoor or any of the connoisseurs of food, nor any of my suggested recipes can match those gourmet meals. Instead, it is my little effort to help those who find it difficult to find good food while being away from home.

Today I've tried to put the cooking in a simple class diagram based on OOPS concept. By this diagram I've laid the foundation of 17, yes SEVENTEEN recipes. Many more can be added by simple additions/modifications.

I hope this design diagram helps you in developing (cooking) your meal. Please do not forget to call me for the final testing of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

P.S: This post doesn't mean that my wife doesn't cook. She is a great cook, and the skills mentioned above have been only recently acquired by myself, because of 2 main reasons:
  1. Currently I am staying far away from my wife and can't get food while sitting in front of Television…:(
  2. I need to respect and maintain the size of my waist, which is increasing leaps and bounds by God's grace.....

Friday, 7 December 2007

Getting Started...

Hello Everybody,

It is my very first 'Hi' to the blog world!!!
I know it's quite a late introduction for a techie person to this kind of forum, but I believe in the axiom "Better late than never..."

I still don't know what I am going to type in the next few minutes but today I am determined to scribble few lines for sure.... :).

To start with lets start with present... what I am doing right now? OK, right now I am having a cup of tea(prepared by me ofcourse) by my side, and have taken a brake from intriguing novel named 'With No One As Witness' by Elizabeth George.

I always use to admire reading and avid readers but was not able to give justice to it. I am fond of collecting books and magazines but never completely read any, just because I couldn't muster enough courage to go through the whole width of any book. When I was in Pune for 2 yrs with TechMahindra(I am still with TechMahindra, but in Noida) I was able to complete one book named 'India Unbound' in MORE THAN 3 MONTHS & that too because I was supposed to appear for CAT(Common Admission Test) that year, which obviously didn't got cleared. It was a brilliant book by Mr. Gurcharan Das, about India after Independence till 2000.

But now I am all together transformed when it comes to reading 'Thrillers' (not course material, as I am still dreaded by STUDIES). Thanks to the loneliness of Newcastle which helped me to ripe the subdued interest in me since my childhood. Hey, please don't misinterpret my statement 'loneliness of Newcastle', as Newcastle is a beautiful and happening city. In fact I am lucky enough to be located in a city like this, but a person like me who doesn't like markets, pubs, malls, streets...... will feel the same in any part of the world... so the problem is me, myself & not Newcastle. In fact the facility of library in Dunston(that's where my residence is!) is the main cause which led me to re-discover one of my passions, I'll talk about my other passions in days to come.... :-).

Recently I've read 'The Brethren' by John Grisham, I didn't quite picked up this particular Novel, it was just by chance that I asked the librarian, if they have any of John Grishams' novel, and she gave me the title. I took it, as it was as good to me as any other novel, or what else it'll be to a novice like me!!! I ought to tell you that the name John Grisham was familiar to me because Achint, my dear friend and roomie in Pune is an avid reader & a great fan of John. So John Grisham got word of mouth publicity by Achint.

When I started reading the novel I got quite involved in it & managed to finish it up quite soon.... now I am not going to discuss about the novel here. If you are interested in it then please follow the link It was a good one to start with, in the meanwhile Achint told me that his favourite is 'The Partner' by Mr. John...... so again one day I scurried to Dunston Library and asked for the same, unfortunately they didn't have that one there, so they offered me to reserve it as then they will arrange for it in due course of time. I did the same, but in order to continue my new vigour of reading novels I picked up another, the one I am reading right now. I am dying to complete this one as 'The Partner' has already arrived at library & I am in no mood of losing that to someone else and wait for few more weeks. BUT....

Now, comes twist in the story, I haven't told you till now that I am a married HUMAN BEING and my wife is there in India.... I am dying to see her here & by Gods' grace, will see her in weeks to come. She, (which is supposed to be the second woman in my life... I must clear here the first one is my mother) has expressed her uneasiness in my reading novels instead of the course material of Symbiosis, sorry I haven't told you about this either.... When my CAT ran away, I thought of having something... here comes another axiom as my saviour... 'Something Is Better Than Nothing'...(Don't you think these axioms are the best way of saving our face??? as these are written by big people and we can easily hide behind them saying... what can I do??? I am just abiding them... he he he... wow... thank you BIG PEOPLE). Hence, CAT was successfully replaced by SCDL(Symbiosis Centre For Distance Learning).

So, now I am worried about how on earth can I keep my wife happy, as well as keep on reading novels???.... If any one of you've any good idea, then please do let me know.... I am in desperate need of help... SOS!!!!

Good night .... will see you soon... :)

Updates as on 22/May/2015 (approx after 8 years)
- Moved on from TechMahindra. Currently with eGain Communications Pvt. Ltd.
- Stopped reading Thrillers, more interested in Non-Fictional reads, Biographies, Business/Economy books etc.
- Could never complete my Symbiosis degree due to my lethargic attitude. Never turned up at the center to give exam. However, this proved to be a boon in disguise as I completed my PGDMWE from IIM Lucknow (Noida Campus) while working in 2012.
- We have a 4.5-year-old son now and trying to learn how to be a good father... What else?...